Thursday, April 4, 2013

Interactive Whiteboards in Today's Classroom

Interactive whiteboards or IWB are now almost in every classroom in high schools in the United States. Interactive whiteboards are electronic smart boards that allow teachers and students to interact and draw on the board or giant computer screen and learn lessons on the large white board. IWB's can be a lot of fun and help out students learning. Students can play fun games on the touch screen and learn all different subjects, math, english, history, and science. 
     I believe that IWB's can be a large help, but from what I have seen in my own experience most teacher don't know how to use them the way they can be. In my History class my 10th grade teacher knew how to use it and it was a lot of fun. We played study games on it and learned lessons, but my English teacher didn't know how to use it at all and it just sat up in the front of the room collecting dust. If a teacher doesn't know how to use it, then it is no more useful then a chalkboard or a dry-erase board. 
     I've also seen kids just get bored of it and not really be interested at all, to them its interesting for three weeks and then its the same thing as a chalkboard. It is a lot of money too, schools should be using that money they are getting to buy more books or writing supplies, since most schools don't have enough for every student. I believe that technology just grows and it really is all the same, it makes small changes in students learning abilities and how much they learn. I would like to see school spend more money on supplies or make sure all teachers know how to use the IWB's effectively as discussed in The Journal
    IWB's can definitely make a difference in Differentiation. Different lessons can be taught or taught in different ways. It can also have lessons and activities for all different learning types and levels. 


  1. I completely agree with the fact that the usefulness of the white board all depends on whether or not the teachers have proper training to use them and are also motivated to use them

  2. I also believe that one of the major issues with IWB’s is that teachers do not know how to use them correctly. With instruction I think IWB’s could be the useful

  3. I agree with your post and I really like it good job.

  4. so your saying if maybe teachers were actually trained on how to use these effectively then they might actually be worth it?

  5. As an elementary school teacher I will definitely want one of these in my classroom. Although your post was more aimed at high school, I really think they make a different in Elementary schools with all the games and such. I definitely agree with what you said though, it's only going to work if the teacher knows how to properly use it!
